
Ed.S. 项目目标和目的

Coursework and field experiences within the Programs in 学校心理学 are designed to assist the student in developing the appropriate knowledge and skills to meet the 以下是项目目标. 这些目标反映了科罗拉多州执照条例 for School Psychologists as well as the 2010 NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation 学校心理学家.                  

  • 学术,社会和生活技能发展 

    The UNC 学校心理学 program provides students with a solid understanding of the psychological and educational principles underlying the field of school psychology. These principles include, but are not limited to human learning and 发展, both 典型和非典型,以及人类的多样性. 学校心理学学生申请 this foundational knowledge to problems of learning and behavior through appropriate decision-making, competent intervention planning 和实现, and effective 沟通协商.
    (CDE 11.06(2); NASP Standard IV, 4.1 and 4.2)

    1.A: Demonstrate knowledge of biological, 发展al, cultural, and social influences 皇冠app安卓下载安装学习,行为,生活技能和心理健康.

    1.B: Use assessment results to develop appropriate academic recommendations that address 学生的学习、社会和行为目标.

    1.C: Facilitate the implementation of appropriate and evidence-based 干预措施 帮助学生达到他们的学习、社交和行为目标.

    1.D: Use assessment, progress monitoring, and other data collection methods to evaluate services that support skill 发展 in the areas of academic, behavioral, and 社会性发展.

  • 多层系统级服务

    The UNC 学校心理学 program prepares students to use a systemic perspective to view children’s 发展 and to understand the contexts in which this 发展 occurs. 皇冠app官方版下载学校心理学课程培养有经验的干预者 knowledge about various academic, behavioral, social, and emotional intervention strategies that are associated with positive outcomes, as well as skills in implementing these 不同的干预措施. 为了有效地做到这一点,学校心理学学生 must have knowledge of relevant research and be able to translate this knowledge into practice by adapting 干预措施 to meet the needs of the client and the system.
    (CDE 11.06(4), 11.06(6), 11.06(7); NASP Standard V, 5.1and 5.2)

    2.A: Contribute to a positive school climate by implementing classroom- or school-wide prevention programming that enhances a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment.

    2.B: Identify risk and resiliency factors in students and their environments and use this information in adapting and implementing prevention and intervention strategies 以满足独特的学生和系统需求.

    2.C: Demonstrate knowledge of a number of evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that can be implemented across individual, group, classroom, or school settings.

    2.D: Provide effective direct student-level 干预措施 such as individual or group 咨询.

    2.E: Implement, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of both direct and system-wide 干预措施.

  • 基于数据的决策

    The UNC 学校心理学 program prepares students to use multiple sources of data to facilitate the best decision-making, regardless of whether it involves an individual 孩子或整个程序. 学校心理学系学生胜任心理辅导工作 assessments that are relevant to student problems and use their findings for decision-making 以及项目规划. 还收集数据来评估项目的有效性 并不断改进自己的修行.
    (CDE 11.06(3); NASP Standards II and VIII, 8.1)

    3.A: Select, administer, and score appropriate instruments (norm-referenced and curriculum-based) 基于提出的关注.

    3.B: Integrate school records, observations, interviews, and 发展al history into interpretation of assessment results, recommendations, 以及项目规划 efforts.


    3.D: Interpret, integrate, and communicate information in an oral or written manner 这句话清晰、准确、简洁.

    3.E: Monitor and evaluate student progress and program outcomes by using appropriate 研究设计,包括单课题.

    3.F: Demonstrate skills in evaluating and applying research to service delivery selection 和实现.

  • 合作与谘询

    The UNC 学校心理学 program emphasizes the importance of consultation that occurs within a collaborative framework as a critical skill for indirect service delivery. 学校心理学 students have knowledge of various consultation and collaboration 方法及其对个人、家庭、团体和系统的应用. 解决问题 processes permeate all aspects of service design, implementation, and evaluation.
    (CDE 11.06(8); NASP Standards III and VI)

    4.A: Demonstrate effective communication skills with school personnel, families, and students.

    4.B: Demonstrate knowledge of different models and levels of consultation and participate 在个人、组和系统级别上.


    4.D: Integrate principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, 文化与评估和干预计划有关.

    4.E: Promote family and community involvement through communication, consultation, 和/或资源共享.


  • 发展和学习中的个体多样性

    The UNC 学校心理学 program focuses on helping students to understand and adopt 与多样性和个体差异相关的响应性实践. 学校心理学 students have knowledge of individual differences, abilities, disabilities, and other 学生、家庭和学校的多样化特点. 有了这样的理解, they act as advocates for children and families and advance the ideals of social justice 在学校环境中.
    (CDE 11.06(5); NASP Standard VII)

    5.A: Understand principles and research related to diversity factors for students, 家庭、学校和社区.

    5.B: Use culturally responsive approaches with diverse students and their families.

    5.C: Develop and implement evidence-based academic and behavioral 干预措施 that reflect knowledge and understanding of a student’s culture, language, and individual 学习特点.


  • 法律,道德和专业实践

    The UNC 学校心理学 program is built upon a foundation of legal, ethical, and 专业实践. 学校的心理学学生能够运用道德,专业, 以及法律标准来指导他们的工作. 他们也有信息来源的知识 与学校心理学实践相关的技术.
    (CDE 11.06(9); NASP Standard VIII, 8.2)


    6.B: Apply professional work characteristics needed for effective practice as school 心理学家



    6.E:通过持续的专业学习表现出对终身学习的承诺 发展.