






圣经男, 作者:Max Carlson (BA-71), Julesburg, 是一本皇冠app安卓下载安装巨石的推理小说吗, 科罗拉多州, psychologist who tracks down a religious killer who leaves a page of the Bible at each crime scene. Max served as a Sedgwick County judge for 33 一年s and enjoys writing and photography.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform December 2014

乔伊斯·沃勒(文学学士-75),明尼苏达州布法罗., 康妮·纳尔逊(BME-72), 英镑, 合作写了一本儿童读物, 蜥蜴的秘密之门, a story about a friendship between a little girl and a lizard. 乔伊斯插图, the book is based on Connie’s own adventures sharing a mountain cabin with a lizard.

亚当·琼斯(BA-08),佩科斯,N.M., 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》写道, 皇冠app安卓下载安装南方联盟游击队的传奇故事, 抢劫的印第安人, 严厉的宗教秩序, 治安维持会成员矿工, and a migrant family looking for peace in a violent country. Adam is the recipient of the 2012 首页stead Foundation Fellowship from the Western Writers of America. His short fiction and articles have appeared in numerous publications, 包括美国西南部文学, 蛮荒的美国西部, 《皇冠app官方版下载》(英国).

Diane Baublits (BA-60), MA-85), 拉斯维加斯与, spent nearly 15 一年s researching her family genealogy in preparation to write The Monhollon 首页steaders: Kansas, 俄克拉何马州和科罗拉多州1859年至1987年. 灵感来自她母亲的日记, the book was edited and published by Diane’s daughter Jennifer Baublits (BA-91), Florissant. The biography depicts the life of western pioneers who participated in the Oklahoma Land Run, 遇到了杰西和弗兰克·詹姆斯, 在干旱和沙尘暴中幸存下来. 黛安在高中教演讲和英语, served as an assistant principal and worked as a school district media specialist.
2015年1月Renatus EduWorks

Michael Bierwiler (MA-79), 贝德福德, 德州, 写了他的第六本书, 缠斗:一名J-3飞行员的战争召唤. The novel was inspired by his mother’s experience as a teenager being trained as a civilian pilot in a J-3 on a grass landing strip during the 战争.
Create Space出版社2014年12月

你幸运吗?? 作者:布莱恩·黑尔(83届文学学士),内布拉斯加州林肯., explores the origin of luck and the many ways people attempt to court luck to their favor. 不仅仅是布莱恩自己的故事, 这本书探讨了爱情, 战争, 体育, the casino and many twists and turns of everyday life. Brian has worked as a public relations professional and writer for 25 一年s.

绝无仅有:一个真实的拓荒者故事, 瓦尔·奥尔著(BS-77), 格里利, chronicles Val’s personal struggle against an unfair legal system. 她的旅行把她带到了美国.S. 三次上最高法院,都赢了, with the case covered by high profile television and front page news. Val is a speaker, author, and standard-bearer for individual rights.

How We Can Save Sports: A Game Plan, was written by Ken Reed (EdD-95), Littleton. 这本书, 由拉尔夫·纳德作序, was written to inform and empower 体育 stakeholders who care deeply about the impact of today’s 体育 issues on individuals and society as a whole. Ken is the 体育 policy director for the League of Fans.
罗曼 & Littlefield出版社,2015年2月

Thirty Works of Art that All Students Need to Know and Understand, 作者:Andrew Svedlow, professor of Art and Design at UNC is an introduction to the world of the visual arts. Students will become familiar with a broad range of subject matter, style, 和中, as well as with the historical and cultural contexts in which the visual arts have been made.

吉姆R. 雅各布斯(ba - 94, 丹佛, wrote Driving Lessons For Life: Thoughts on Navigating Your Road to Personal Growth, 皇冠app安卓下载安装变化的短篇小说集, self-improvement and leadership that strengthen individuals and relationships. 吉姆已经当了20多年的作家, 专业的演讲者, 辅导员, 专业教练和企业家.

Mary Jo Wisneski Johnson (EdD-79), Calistoga, Calif.Doggie Delicious写道. 这本少年小说是皇冠app安卓下载安装比比的, 一只不寻常的狗, 谁是信仰的榜样, trust and the greater wisdom of life and illustrates what can be accomplished with determination and courage. Mary Jo is a retired reading specialist who taught at levels ranging from kindergarten through graduate school during a 44-一年 career.
郊区出版社. 2014

The Alex Connor Chronicles Book One is the first in a series written by Samantha (Dill) Shannon (BA-98), 弗吉尼亚海滩, Va. 这部小说以亚历克斯·康纳为主角, 一个聪明的, 复杂而有趣的女性角色, and was written under Samantha’s pen name Parker Sinclair.

Neil Williams (BA-83), 丹佛 is retired and a member of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. 他的自传, 我的美国生活, 从布鲁克林到丹佛, 是生命的故事吗, 爱, 激进主义, 自我认同, 为父之道, 欢乐与痛苦.

A Marathon Journey, written by Thomas Mayberry (BS-81), Hermitage, Tenn., is an inspirational look at how to achieve goals no matter how daunting they may seem. It is told through the point of view of a man in his fifties who pursued running to lose weight.

创伤恢复手册, 由Charlene S爱r (BA-73)合写, MA-87), 阿瓦达, 黛布拉·塔西(PSY-98), 金, provides insight into all aspect of trauma effects and how to deal with them. Nicoletti-Flater Associates出版,1999年

学位解码器:B.A. - Bachelor of Arts; B.S. - Bachelor of Science; B.M. - Bachelor of Music; B.M.E. - Bachelor of Music Education; L.C. - Limited Certificate; M.A. - Master of Arts; M.S. - Master of Science; M.A.T. - Master of Arts in Teaching; M.M. - Master of Music; M.P.H. - Master of Public Health; Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy; Psy.D. - Doctor of Psychology; Ed.D. - Doctor of Education; D.A. - Doctor of Arts; D.N.P.-Doctor of Nursing Practice; Ed.S. -教育专员


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