
Archaeological Geophysics Lab

Archaeological geophysics is the application of remote sensing methods such as ground-penetrating radar, magnetometry, electrical resistivity, and conductivity, to solve archaeological 问题.  These methods utilize instruments that measure various properties of soil, rock, and 埋 archaeological features.  他们 是 useful for locating and studying 考古遗址 ranging from the small campsites of hunter gatherers to sprawling ancient cities.  The instruments 是 carried or dragged above or at the ground surface, or utilize probes inserted into the ground.  These methods 是 remarkable because they map features such as walls, hearths, burials, streets, dwellings, and other aspects of 考古遗址, without the expense of excavation.  Subsequent excavations, if needed 为了研究目的, targeted to specific features identified in the geophysics data.    

Magnetometry data showing 埋 structures at an Early Bronze Age city in Turkey.

Magnetometry data showing 埋 structures at an Early Bronze Age city in Turkey. 


The archaeological geophysics lab at UNC includes the following instruments: 

  • Hand-carried fluxgate magnetometer 
  • Cart-mounted, GPS-integrated fluxgate magnetometer array 
  • Ground-penetrating radar system with a full range of antennas 
  • 电阻计
  • Conductivity/magnetic susceptibility meter
  • Base/rover GPS, and hand-held GPS system
  • 全站仪
  • Mavic Pro 2无人机 

学生 receive training in the use of these instruments both in the classroom and 这个领域.  Past research projects include studies of sites in 科罗拉多州, New Mexico, 以色列,巴勒斯坦和伊拉克.   

Ground-penetrating radar data showing sloping layers of deposits at a Native American 科罗拉多州站点.

Ground-penetrating radar data showing sloping layers of deposits at a Native American 科罗拉多州站点.


The archaeological geophysics lab and associated instruction and research received support from and/or collaborated with:  

  • National Science Foundation, Major 研究 Instrumentation, Award # BCS-1229061
  • National Geographic Society's Committee for 研究 and Exploration
  • 关心行为
  • University of Northern 科罗拉多州 Provost Fund for 教师 Scholarship and Professional Development, 研究 Dissemination, and 教师 Development
  • University of Northern 科罗拉多州 Summer Support Initiative for 研究, Scholarship, Creative Works, and Grant Writing       
  • 宜兰大学
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学 
  • 芝加哥大学

Will operating a magnetometer array, 伊拉克.

Will operating a magnetometer array, 伊拉克.


Bethany operating a total station, 伊拉克.

Thomas operating a magnetometer, 伊拉克.

Thomas operating a magnetometer, Israel.

Michale and Andy operating a ground-penetrating radar system, Palestine.

Michael and Andy operating a ground-penetrating radar system, Palestine.

Virginia operating a magnetometer, 科罗拉多州.

Virginia operating a magnetometer, 科罗拉多州.

Andy operating a resistance meter, New Mexico.

Andy operating a resistance meter, New Mexico.

Andy operating a conductivity meter, 科罗拉多州.

Andy operating a conductivity meter, 科罗拉多州.

Andy setting up a GPS base station, 伊拉克.

Andy setting up a GPS base station, 伊拉克.

Larissa and Seth collecting GPS data, Israel.

Larissa and Seth collecting GPS data, Israel.

Taylor collecting GPS data, Israel.

Taylor collecting GPS data, Israel.

Laura operating a magnetometer, 伊拉克.

Laura operating a magnetometer, 伊拉克.

Nicole calibrating a magnetometer, 伊拉克.

Nicole calibrating a magnetometer, 伊拉克.

John and Andy operating a bistatic GPR system, 科罗拉多州.

John and Andy operating a bistatic GPR system, 科罗拉多州.

Cody and Bethany operating a resistance meter, 伊拉克.

Cody and Bethany operating a resistance meter, 伊拉克.

Recent Publications of Archaeological Geophysics 研究

格伦·M·施瓦茨.——安德鲁·T. 克里克莫尔 III, Alexia Smith, Jill A. 韦伯, Lyndelle韦伯斯特.  Kurd Qaburstan on the Erbil Plain: Field 研究 2016-2017  伊拉克. DOI http://doi.org/10.1017/irq.2022.2  

2022克里克莫尔III,安德鲁T. Report of 研究 Conducted in 2022 at the Belén Plaza Vieja Colonial Church site, Belen,纳米. 为帕梅拉·斯通准备.  

2021克里克莫尔三世,安德鲁. T.先生,艾伦先生., Philistine urban form at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel: a magnetometric perspective.  黎凡特 53(2):1-22. DOI http://doi.org/10.1080/00758914.2021.1947647  

2019 克里克莫尔 III——安德鲁·T.  Final Report of Geophysics 研究 Conducted at 5LR814, Loveland 科罗拉多州.  Report prep是d for Debbie Eley, City of Loveland Parks and Recreation Department. 

2017施瓦茨,格伦·M.克里斯托弗·D. 安德鲁·布林克. 克里克莫尔三世,玛丽安·H. Feldman, Alexia Smith, and Jill A. 韦伯.  Excavations at Kurd Qaburstan, A Second Millennium BC Urban Site on the Erbil Plain.  伊拉克 79:213-255. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1017/irq.2017.2  

2016 Whitcomb, Don, Ignacio Arce, Andrew 克里克莫尔, and Michael Jennings. 科 al-Mafjar:  New Excavations and Hypotheses for an Umayyad Monument.  近东考古学 79(2):78-87. http://doi-org.unco.idm.oclc.org/10.5615 / neareastarch.79.2.0078  

2016 克里克莫尔 III——安德鲁·T.  Report on Archaeogeophysics 研究 Conducted at the Medina 墓地,Loveland, CO.  (5LR13223).  Prep是d for the Loveland Historical Society. 

2016 克里克莫尔 III——安德鲁·T.  Final Report of geophysics, metal detector, and pedestrian survey conducted at the Fossil Creek site (5LR13041).  Report prep是d for Zac Wiebe, Larimer County Department of Natural 资源, Loveland, 科罗拉多州.   

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