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The Psychological Services Clinic @ UNC

Outreach and Psychoeducation

As a part of our mission to support the Northern Colorado community, our counselors-in-training provide presentations for classrooms, organizations, groups, and programs on the UNC campus and in the community. We provide two types of outreach presentations:

  • 15-30 minute informational presentations about the various services that are offered by the PSC. These presentations can be oriented toward students or community members who may be interested and/or in need of services.
  • 30-90 minute psychoeducational presentations where we can cover a variety of salient topics including: stress and anxiety management, mindfulness, mental health wellness, positive psychology and gratitude, self-care, and anger management.

Contact us at (970) 351-1645 or ppsy.clinic@hf-dc.net with questions, or if you are interested in an outreach presentation.