

业务 Students Place First in Daniels Fund Ethics Initiatives Collegiate 程序 情况下竞争

On Friday, April 16, four undergraduate students from the UNC Monfort College 的业务 earned first place honors at the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative’s ninth annual Collegiate 项目案例竞赛.

On Friday, April 16, four undergraduate students from the 北科罗拉多大学’s (UNC) Monfort College 的业务 earned first place honors at the Daniels Fund Ethics 第九届年度大学项目案例竞赛. 这是第四个 time a team from UNC has placed in the event, winning first place in 2016 and 2017 2015年排名第三.

Students who represented UNC in the undergraduate track during the competition were: Jamal Blassingale, 业务 Administration, emphasis in Marketing; Halaki Gionet, 业务 Administration, emphasis in Marketing and Finance; Davis Johnson, 业务 Administration, emphasis in Management, and Theater 艺术; and Emmy Scott, 业务 Administration, emphasis in Management, and 环境al and 可持续性 Studies.

研究生 students in the Master 的业务 Administration program also competed: 安迪·杜斯,莎拉·奥托,霍莉·哈斯拉姆,斯蒂芬·哈里斯和迈克·莫罗.

“Participating in this competition was an incredible experience for every member of 我们的团队. 将我们所学到的知识应用到案件中,做进一步的研究 and presenting our solutions to the judges deepened our understanding of what it means 经营一家有道德的企业,”团队负责人约翰逊写道. “作为一个团队,我们从来没有 定居. 我们尽了最大的努力,这次经历激励着我们继续前进 做得更好,以诚信阔步. 我们真诚地感谢所有 促成了我们的成功.”

This competition exposes students to a thought-provoking business ethics case and is designed to challenge students’ ethical reasoning, give them tools for ethical 提高决策和道德意识的重要性,以原则为基础. 

The event included two separate competition tracks — one for undergraduate students 另一个是给研究生的. 这是有史以来第一次举行比赛 in a live virtual format, due to COVID-19 considerations, with students participating 来自科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州、犹他州和怀俄明州.

Keiko Krahnke“我被他们的能力和奉献精神所鼓舞,他们做了如此出色的工作。” Keiko Krahnke博士.D., a professor at Management at UNC and director of The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative “大学计划”写道. “这些学生有很多其他的责任 outside of their classes … they must have been exhausted some days and nights, but 他们表现出继续前进的勇气和成功的决心. 团队说 me, ‘Even if we don’t place, we want to be able to say that we gave it our very best.’”

In advance of the competition, teams were provided with a business ethics case involving a fictional defense industry technology company, specializing in artificial intelligence 还有生物实验. 学生们扮演着道德咨询公司的角色 hired by the company’s board of directors to help deal with ethical issues and risks 在公司里.

This year, 11 undergraduate and 11 graduate student teams participated in the competition. Each team analyzed the ethical issues involved and presented their prepared recommendations 给一组评委. 在他们的陈述之后,这些团队收到了新的信息 ——这是引发危机的案件的一个转折. 他们只有四个小时来重新分析 their original recommendations and make a second presentation to the judges incorporating 新信息. 

Placing second in the undergraduate track was University of Utah’s David Eccles School 的业务 and the third-place team was from the University of Wyoming’s College 的业务.

In the graduate competition, students from Colorado State University’s College of 业务 placed first, followed by University of Utah’s David Eccles School 的业务 排名第二,科罗拉多大学丹佛分校商学院排名第三.

Panels of judges for each track were comprised of business and community leaders who 担任公司董事会的角色. Jandel Allen-Davis,首席执行官兼总裁 of Craig Hospital, served as head judge for the graduate track, and Mark Cordova, founder and president of Centennial Bolt, served as head judge for the undergraduate track.

The panels of judges included: Albus Brooks, vice president of business development and public affairs at Milender White; Ted Harms, executive director of the Anschutz Foundation; Richard Martinez, president and CEO of Young Americans Center for Financial 教育 and Young Americans Bank; Christopher Picardi, senior vice president of KeyBank; Mary Rhinehart, chairman of Johns Mansville; Mike Talamantes, managing director at RBC Capital Markets; and Robin Wise, president and CEO of Junior Achievement – 落基山.

Judges evaluated presentations against established criteria, including the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Principles: integrity, trust, accountability, transparency, 公平、尊重、法治和生存. 


Reflecting Bill Daniels’ personal commitment to ethics and integrity, the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate 程序 was established in 2010 to instill a high standard of ethics in students and strengthen principle-based ethics education in 参与学校. 当前阶段的项目包括12个商业和商业项目 科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州、犹他州和怀俄明州的法学院大学合作伙伴. 到目前为止, more than 450,000 students, faculty and businesspeople have been impacted by the Collegiate 程序.


The Daniels Fund, established by cable television pioneer Bill Daniels, is a private charitable foundation dedicated to making life better for the people of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming through its grants program, scholarship program and ethics 倡议.

