
a female wearing graduation robes and a cap and has her first in the air in celebration


    Meet seven of the 北科罗拉多大学's fall 2023 graduates who shared their story with us about their time at UNC, both challenging and exciting, what their 计划是在毕业典礼之后,他们会给未来的熊的建议.

    Meet seven of the 北科罗拉多大学's fall 2023 graduates who shared their story with us about their time at UNC, both challenging and exciting, what their plans are after commencement and advice they would give to current and future Bears. 






    Zinsou Mathieu Houegbenou




    Ph.D., Hi高等教育及学生事务领导




    Jered WABA


    Hometown: 阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州

    研究领域: 全球和社区卫生教育公共卫生硕士 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: 我非常喜欢我在皇冠app官方版下载的经历. 我选择皇冠app官方版下载是因为它的 紧密联系的社区,文化和种族多样性和小班教学. 我很幸运 to receive a graduate assistantship in my program which enabled me to go to school 同时显著减少外部财务压力. 


    克服挑战,取得成功: As a first-generation student, I never thought that pursuing a graduate degree was 我做不到的事. 通过我的研究生助学金和课程, I discovered that one of my greatest fears (public speaking) is also one of my greatest strengths. 

    接下来是什么: 毕业后,我很兴奋要组建家庭. 我丈夫和我要 四月的第一个孩子. 

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: 深入挖掘,连接并享受旅程! 它比你想象的要短. 


    Hometown: 科罗拉多州Kremmling

    研究领域: 平面设计 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: 进入皇冠app官方版下载是我一生的目标. 从我还是个孩子的时候起,我就在寻找 up to this university as my dream school, because it has always been a place where individuals gather, connect and thrive, fostering growth and personal development.


    现在,我在这里,活在那个梦想中! UNC为我提供了无数的经验 是这些机会把我塑造成了今天的设计师和我自己.

    克服挑战,取得成功: From engaging classes, thrilling exhibitions, to eye-opening internships, UNC has 开阔了我的视野,让我发现了自己真正的激情所在. 校园社区 has become my second family, and the support and encouragement I've received here 是无价的. 

    接下来是什么: I plan to work as a designer and artist for the next couple years, then open my own business.  

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: 活在当下,享受你所拥有的时光! 

    Zinsou Mathieu Houegbenou

    Hometown: 科罗拉多州格里利市

    研究领域: 一般业务 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: I chose the 北科罗拉多大学 (UNC) for its esteemed Monfort College 我非常喜欢的生意. 另外,从那以后我就一直想去UNC学习 我搬到了格里利. 作为Aims社区学院AIMS2UNC项目的一部分 在协助我过渡到皇冠app官方版下载方面发挥了关键作用.


    This exceptional program, designed to ease students' integration, significantly contributed 我成功地融入了皇冠app官方版下载. Also, being part of a scholarship group and my active engagement with the advising staff greatly helped me in achieving my academic goals which were to get a unique 只属于我的教育. 考虑到丰富的环境和资源 available on campus, I am definitely going to consider UNC for my MBA in the future. Go Bears! 

    克服挑战,取得成功: Transitioning from a smaller school to the larger academic 环境 presented difficulties 在我的第一学期. 我努力与人沟通. 这对我来说很难 我终于接受了我属于这个群体. 我有几项作业没通过 因为内向. 我一直想待在自己的舒适区,试着去弄清楚 things out myself not knowing that using students' hours and building connections 和别人一起会帮助我. 当我开始建造的时候,我打破了这个障碍 相信自己,开始和更多的人交谈. 

    接下来是什么: My post-graduation plans involve using the skills and experiences acquired at UNC 在不同的业务层次中有效地做出贡献. 我在 finance and accounting department during my professional experience completion has equipped me with valuable insights, and I aspire to apply this knowledge to positively 影响金融领域的任何公司. 然而,我并没有限制自己. I am 愿意探索财务部门以外的机会. 我们将看到生活是怎样的 treats me.

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: Being an introverted person is a natural aspect of a personality and the goal is not 改变你自己. 然而,在某些方面,它会让你落后,尤其是当 你想要成功. 所以,打破你的现状,走出你的 舒适区. 和尽可能多的人联系,因为他们可能会帮助你 school. 最后,创建你的LinkedIn账户并保持活跃. 公司 利用这个网站寻找候选人. 


    Hometown: 科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多州 

    研究领域: 小学教育 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: Initially, I chose UNC because it was known for its education program, which I was 这也是我即将毕业的专业. 回想起来,我肯定 chose UNC because it was close enough but not too close to home and I knew it was 我一踏进校园就想在这里度过大学时光.


    A variety of people, places and memories along the way have made me successful here. My faith has carried me through college, which means I wouldn’t be here without God. Additionally, my family has always been supportive, and I also wouldn’t be here without them. 自从我父母把我收养进他们的 lives. 至于大学里的人,各种各样的导师、朋友和教授都有 让这段经历尽可能地成功. Dr. 杨晨劳伦斯 还有我项目里的其他教授让我的经历变得如此甜蜜. Outside of 我的程序,博士. 艾丽卡·查理和约翰娜·弗洛雷斯一直是我的坚强后盾 一直到我的学生教学. 我的朋友们让我的大学生活变得如此甜蜜, both new and old friends, who commiserated with me through the tough moments, encouraged 在艰难的时刻和我一起庆祝在山顶的时刻. Most of 一路走来的回忆让这一切都值得. 我记得无数 深夜远足,和同学一起在课堂上大笑. 看着它是一种乐趣 back to see how far the Lord has brought me and truly I can’t wait to see where he’s 带我去. 最后,我必须向我的学生教学主持人老师大喊一声 和科罗拉多斯普林斯的主办学校. 格里利教育我的时候,气味 and many memorable moments, Trailblazer Elementary School, alongside my mentor teacher Kaylee, has given me the blessing of a lifetime that will launch me into my future 还有我的事业. 

    克服挑战,取得成功: Challenges I overcame in college were things like wanting to quit every fall right 感恩节假期前. 我克服了与学生和教授之间的矛盾 -我必须学会如何有效地执行他们对我的要求. 同样地, I achieved so much with the assistance of so many, including my professors and advisers. Successfully, I had the privilege of hosting many Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS)的活动. 我觉得这些小时刻都是成功的 就像每周五和艾瑞卡一起吃玉米煎饼一样. 为我的 《皇冠app官方版下载》很成功. 例如,当我们不想工作的时候,我们就去做 斗鱼. 成功对不同的人来说是不同的,但最终,我认为 success means taking little or big steps forward that move you toward your goals and priorities. 在我们文化中心的时光对我的大学经历同样意义重大 在我的学位项目完成和实习完成. 

    接下来是什么: 毕业后,我接受了在阿拉斯加农村教书的干预职位. 

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: Life is short, be intentional; life is long, stay intentional. While these aren't my words, I would love to pass them along to future Bears, and 即使是现在皇冠app官方版下载的熊队. 我唯一要补充的是,别忘了和他们在一起 around you. 时间过得真快,知道它有多短,有意识一点也没关系 and to find encouragement in the moments around you all the same because yes, sometimes 大学感觉就像永远. 


    Hometown: 格伦伍德斯普林斯,科罗拉多州 

    研究领域: Ph.D.,高等教育学生事务领导 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: Graduating with three degrees from UNC must show that I believe in the university, 教职员工和学生. 我找到了一个地方,能够探索我的 在皇冠app官方版下载的每一次机会中,我都实现了自己的学术目标和支持网络.


    About 256 credit hours later, I have navigated UNC as an undergrad in Greeley, master's 丹佛的学生和在线博士生. Dr. 丹·奥康纳博士. 鲍勃·赫斯博士. 兰迪·拉金斯博士. Linda Vogel和Dr. Matthew Farber are a few of the mentors that have taught me how to thrive in higher education 玩得开心. 

    克服挑战,取得成功: There were the usual life challenges that occur over a 33-year span, but that's life! 

    接下来是什么: Continue my career in higher education, enjoy time with my family, travel, cook, camp 在科罗拉多徒步旅行. 

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: 找到一件你热爱的事情,然后尽可能多地学习它. It 可能会变成一个很棒的职业、爱好或你的专长. 


    Hometown: 马萨诸塞州的波士顿

    研究领域: 小学教育 艺术教育

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: 我非常感激我在皇冠app官方版下载的时光. 走出了众多的教育机构 北卡大学的课程提供了让我兴奋的课程. 从那一刻起 我开始上艺术课,我知道我来对地方了! 我的同伴很快就变成了 在整个过程中有家人和支持系统.


    My studio professors also served as incredible mentors, for both my roles as an artist 作为一名教育者. 皇冠app官方版下载也提供了很多机会,让我真正发挥最大的作用 在我的校园里度过的时光. 皇冠app官方版下载将永远在我心中占据一个非常特殊的位置.

    克服挑战,取得成功: 当我刚开始皇冠app官方版下载的学习之旅时,我并不认为自己是一名艺术家. I felt I 错过了追求自己艺术创作的机会. 扮演艺术家的角色 was a liberating experience that has influenced my artmaking and my teaching as I 准备让我自己的学生扮演这个角色. 通过我的艺术,我找到了新的方法 用我的声音,拥抱我的真实身份. 当我离开皇冠app官方版下载时,我自信地介绍 myself as an artist and am honored to have been a winner of UNC's most prestigious 艺术竞赛,南瑟德奖. 

    接下来是什么: 我期待着发现我的未来! 与此同时,我打算继续 为研究生院做准备,创作我的艺术作品. 

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: While it may not feel like it now, your time here will be over before you know it. 充分利用这一刻. 尝试新事物,冒险,适应生活 不舒服,就是好事发生的时候. 

    Jered WABA

    Hometown: 科罗拉多州商业城

    研究领域: 工商管理 

    在皇冠app官方版下载的经历: I have had a great time at UNC during my two years of working on my bachelor's degree. UNC provides great teachings, which makes me ready to face the realities of the work 环境.


    I also chose UNC due to its location; it took me less than seven minutes to get to 从我的公寓上学. 在皇冠app官方版下载,我获得了奖学金,这帮助我支付了一些费用 让我专注于我的学习,并取得成功. 

    克服挑战,取得成功: 当我带着20个学分离开时,我遇到了一些挑战. 很难找到课程 according to the schedule I wanted, and UNC isn’t an online campus so I couldn’t get 我的在线课程. 有两门课,每门课三个学分,我必须在周二到校上课 直到星期四,一周四天. 

    接下来是什么: After my graduation, I’m planning to do my MBA and bring the knowledge I learned from 让我的社区成功. 

    对未来或现在的熊的建议: For future or current Bears, UNC is a place to be to learn real knowledge which makes 你准备好面对现实生活中的社会问题了.
