
a group of students standing and talking in front of several 研究 posters

Student 研究 Takes the Stage at Annual Symposium and Competition

研究生 students are putting their scholarly 2023年秋季的技能展示 12月11日(星期二)研究生研究研讨会. 5. 这次活动也展示了年度 北ern Colorado Three-Minute Thesis 竞争, where students have three minutes and one slide to explain their thesis or dissertation projects in plain language.

研究生 students from the 北科罗拉多大学 are putting their scholarly 2023年秋季的技能展示 研究生研究研讨会 12月12日星期二. 下午4点开始.m.在皇冠app官方版下载中心和校园公共场所. 

This year’s symposium again combines the university's biannual 研究生 研究 Evening 今年是第三届 北科罗拉多三分钟论文 (3MT®) 竞争. The NoCo 3MT is an event open to everyone that is designed to inform and engage as participating students will have three minutes and a single slide to explain their thesis or dissertation projects using non-technical language anyone 可以理解. 

Four students are competing this year, putting their communication 技能 to the test. The winner of the NoCo 3MT will receive a monetary prize and go on to compete in the Colorado Council of 研究生 Schools 3MT 竞争 next spring.  

研讨会以下午4点的主题演讲开始.m.,作者:兰迪·拉金斯博士.D.名为 “研究:我们为什么要为此烦恼??他的博士学位来自 UNC, is the chair and assistant professor in the Applied Statistics and 研究 Methods program in the College of 教育 and Behavioral Sciences. 

在主题演讲之后,从下午5点到6点45分.m.硕士、专科、博士研究生 from across the university will give oral and poster presentations on 研究 topics ranging from collegiate recreation staff experiences with students with disabilities to comparing aquatic plant growth using different substrates.

NoCo 3MT将于下午7点至8点举行.m.,在校园共同繁荣室,之前 晚会以颁奖典礼结束.

Students competing in 研究生 研究 Evening are eligible for the Hutchinson-Lahman 研究 Award, established to support graduate students’ dissemination of their 研究 在国家或地区会议上. 

Continue reading to learn more about the graduate students taking part in this year’s NoCo 3MT and get a glimpse of what they’ve been working on. 视频演示 2022年春季比赛也可以在 研究生院网站.



程序: Physical 教育 and Physical Activity 领导, Ph.D.

毕业论文题目: Voices of Change: Exploring Physical 教育 Stakeholders' Policy Work in the United 州

皇冠app安卓下载安装我的研究: Before this 研究 and acknowledging the importance of looking beyond legislative work, I conducted a pilot study aiming to explore PETE faculty members as policy actors 在美国. This preliminary work not only provided valuable information as a steppingstone for this dissertation, but my passion for policy work grew, as did my curiosity about the use of narratives for policy work and for teaching advocacy 技能. I wanted to hear about some stories (at local and state levels) about the ways in which stakeholders in the filed have engaged in policy advocacy to uncover the nuances of the process, as lack of knowledge of the policy process is a major 政策参与的障碍. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the narratives of physical education stakeholders' policy work 在美国. 

启发我进行这项研究的是: Throughout my teaching career, I have been part of a variety of professional 订婚s, many of which led to my interest and participation in policy-related work. 虽然 I have led councils and taskforces through position statement and guidance document revisions, served on advocacy committees, and participated in several local, state, and national-level policy advocacy initiatives, I consider myself a beginner with 皇冠app安卓下载安装政策工作,特别是政策研究. 没有正式的培训, I have become socialized into the profession and do consider myself a policy actor. Upon learning more about the lack of policy work in the physical education field yielding its continued marginalized status, I wondered how I can contribute to this work in an effort to better prepare and support other physical education policy actors. In addition to past literature, several conversations with leaders, scholars, and other 会议上的专业联系(例如.g.美国运动机能学协会 参加高等教育会议、SHAPE大会等.)继续旋转 around the need for not only more policy advocacy 订婚, but the need for more 学者们在做这项工作.

我设想如何使用我的研究: Recognizing the need for increased preparation of future policy actors within teacher preparation programs via authentic stories and case studies as teaching tools, this study holds significance as it seeks to understand stakeholder experiences in policy work through real-world narratives, offering insights into the complexities of policy 订婚. By uncovering the policy process within detailed narratives, it aims to break barriers and address misunderstandings of policy and lack of training. 最终, this work has the potential to enhance the capacity for policy 订婚 while contributing 体育政策工作的实证研究. 研究结果可能会影响政策 education in physical education teacher education programs and professional development, empowering stakeholders to influence policy and pave the way for future policy work. 




毕业论文题目: Exploring University Student Perceptions of Climate Change Using Connection to Nature 和心理距离

皇冠app安卓下载安装我的研究: The central goal of my dissertation is to better understand undergraduate biology students’ perceptions of climate change specifically using a localized lens. 研究 relating to climate change perceptions and understanding is common in the K-12 setting; however, there have been far fewer studies that use undergraduate student populations. Undergraduate students represent a new age of the voting populous and are an important 以人口为目标,诱导环境变化. 促进气候变化 awareness, concern, and willingness to act in our undergraduate students, we must 首先了解他们是如何看待它的. 使用定量和定性方法 I explored what factors influence undergraduate students’ perceptions of climate change 在本地. I generally concluded that the framing of climate change (e.g.,本地vs. global) influences our students’ awareness of its impacts in their local area. 我发现 that the relationship or connection a student has with natural areas is a strong predictor 学生对当地气候变化的认识. 此外,我发现学生的 personal experiences in nature contributed to their connection to nature and increased 环保意识. I also found that some students perceive climate change as distant spatially, socially, and temporally which lowers their 环保意识 of climate change 在本地 and their perception of how it impacts themselves; however, this distance seems to be fluid and can be changed through purposeful classroom instruction. I suggest that instructors reframe their coverage of climate change in the classroom to be more place-based to increase the personal relevance of climate change and reduce 感知距离.

启发我进行这项研究的是: My own experiences teaching climate change to undergraduate students inspired my current 研究. Before returning to school to pursue my PhD, I taught biology at several 东海岸的高等教育机构. 不管我教的是什么课, climate change was a topic that I included in my instruction. 就像每个话题一样,你 want to provide your students with the foundational knowledge necessary for them to grow as scholars and formulate their own opinions and understanding of the material. This proved to be quite challenging with the topic of climate change. 不仅是 climate change complex but it can be viewed as fairly controversial which creates additional barriers that many instructors, including myself, find hard to overcome. No matter how I approached the topic of climate change in my classroom, I always felt that my students did not fully grasp its personal relevance. 学生如何看待 impacts of climate change has serious implications on their concern, acceptance, and 愿意采取行动减轻其影响. 这段经历让我开始研究气候 change education 研究, with my goal being to better understand how our students perceive localized climate change and find ways for instructors to increase its personal 课堂相关性.

我设想如何使用我的研究: I hope that my 研究 will provide educators with the necessary tools and information they need to increase the efficacy of their climate change teaching to better serve 他们的学生.




毕业论文题目: Athletic identity association and prospective basic psychological needs satisfaction predict attitudes of collegiate athletes toward seeking help from the athletic department

皇冠app安卓下载安装我的研究: My 研究 is done with DI, DII, and DIII college athletes who took a survey that assessed their basic psychological needs, athletic identity, and attitudes toward 寻求专业的心理帮助. 这项研究的目的是要看看 there is a relationship between the variables that can help predict the motivation of college athletes to seek mental health support from their athletic departments.

启发我进行这项研究的是: After being a college athlete and experiencing the lack of support that is offered to some college athletes, it inspired me to look into the ways collegiate athletes are supported and where athletic departments can improve the support they offer regarding 大学生运动员心理健康

我设想如何使用我的研究: I envision my 研究 being used by athletes, athletic directors, athletic trainers, coaches, sports psychologists, and all administrative support who can help collegiate athletes get the support they need and deserve from their college athletic departments.




毕业论文题目: A Narrative Inquiry into the Perceptions of Counseling Faculty Regarding the Use of 临床督导中的幽默 

皇冠app安卓下载安装我的研究: I interviewed counseling faculty to learn what they think about using humor in supervision.

启发我进行这项研究的是: I have held a long-term interest in the use of humor in personal and professional 上下文. I use humor in my own teaching, counseling, and supervision work.

我设想如何使用我的研究: Clinical supervisors using humor if it is part of their personality. 规范化和 give permission for humor in professional relationships and encouraging authenticity 在人们.
