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Dr. Farber’s research focuses on gaming as a form of multimodal literacy and how meaning-making during gameplay can cultivate social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Games are 练习空间,玩社交情绪. 在某些游戏中,玩家会合作 解决共同的目标. Many other games engage players in perspective-taking, where they may develop virtual empathy through taking agency of digital avatars.

Much of his work includes multiple collaborations with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), a category one research institute headquartered 在印度新德里. Its mission—which aligns with his research agenda—is to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7:“建筑教育 peaceful and sustainable societies across the world by developing programs that promote social and emotional learning with innovative digital pedagogies that empower youth.”



Farber, M. (2021). Gaming SEL: Games as transformational to social and emotional learning. 彼得·朗.

Farber, M. (Ed.) (2020). Global perspectives on gameful and playful teaching and learning. IGI全球.

Farber, M. (2018). Game-based learning in action: How an expert affinity group teaches with games. 彼得·朗.

康沃尔,年代., Farber, M.Miklasz, K; & Fleming, A. (Eds.) (2017). 游戏攻略. 卡耐基梅隆大学ETC出版社.

Farber, M. (2017). Gamify your classroom: A field guide to game-based learning (Revised Ed). 彼得·朗.

Farber, M. (2015). Gamify your classroom: A field guide to game-based learning. 彼得·朗.


Farber, M., & Erekson, J. (2023年春季). 超越书本:配对儿童文学 通过电子游戏. 儿童与图书馆, 21(1), 6-13.  

Farber, M., & 商人,W. (2022). Insights from investigating early childhood ebooks on literacy, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning outcomes. 电子学习和 数字媒体,0(0). http://doi.org/10.1177/20427530221108538 

Mukund, V.夏尔马,M.Srivatsa, A.夏尔马,R., Farber, M., & Singh, N. C. (2022). Effects of a digital game-based course in building adolescents’ 知识和社会情感能力. 健康游戏杂志. 11(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2021.0138

Farber, M., & Schrier K. (2021). Beyond winning: A situational analysis of two digital autobiographical games. Games Studies: The 国际 Journal of Computer Game Research. 21(4).

Schrier K., & Farber, M. (2021). A systematic literature review of “empathy” and “games.” 游戏杂志 & 虚拟世界. 13(2), 195-214. DOI: 10.1386 / jgvw_00036_

Kang, H. J., Farber, M., & Mahovsky K. A. (2021). Teachers’ self-reported pedagogical changes: Are we preparing 在线STEM教育的教师? 高等教育理论与实践学报, 21(10), 264-277. DOI: 10.33423 / jhetp.v21i10.4640

Farber, M.威廉姆斯,M。.梅尔曼,L., & Yu, X. (2020). 游戏系统:游戏设计是一种方法 青少年的自我表达. 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,2(1),40-84. DOI: 10.1184/R1/12215417

Zieger, L., & Farber, M. (2012). Civic Participation Among Seventh-Grade Social Studies Students in Multi-User 虚拟环境. Journal of Interactive Learning Research   (JILR), 23(4), 393-410. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Farber, M., & Schrier K. (2017). The strengths and limitations of using digital games as “empathy” machines. 联合国教科文组织MGIEP.             http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000261993


Farber, M., & 商人,W. (2023). 尴尬的时刻. 凯特·施里尔,瑞秋·科沃特,戴安娜·伦纳德 Tarja Porkka-Kontturi(编辑.), Learning, Education, and Games: 50 Games to Use for Inclusion, Equity, and Justice. 卡耐基梅隆ETC出版社.

Farber, M. (2021). Gaming literacy and its potential for teaching social and emotional learning 给青春期的孩子. 在洛杉矶的哈斯., & Tussey, J. (Eds.), 支持社会和 通过识字教育发展情感 (pp. 1-25). IGI全球. 

Farber, M. (2021). 设计、体验和学习. 在费迪格,R.甘道夫,E., & 费利克斯, B. (Eds.). Teaching the game: An interdisciplinary collection of game  course syllabi (pp. 205-215). 卡耐基梅隆ETC出版社

Farber, M.拉特,A. (2021). Navigating the social and emotional needs of preservice teachers during 2020年令人焦虑的不确定性. 在费迪格,R.皮塔什,K. (Eds.), 从2020年开始,教师教育工作者应该学到什么 (pp. 33-44). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Betts, A. L.纽约州法比恩克市., & Farber, M. (2020). The quest for learning: Promoting engagement and disciplinary literacy through 基于游戏的任务. 在洛杉矶的哈斯., & Tussey, J. (Eds.), Disciplinary Literacy Connections to Popular Culture in K-12   Settings (pp. 203-230). IGI全球.  

Farber, M., & Rivers, S. (2020). 利用SEL项目的技术. 在查特吉,N.duraiapah, A., & Ramaswamy R. (Eds.), Rethinking Learning: A Review of Social and Emotional Learning for Education Systems (pp. 221-247). 联合国教科文组织MGIEP.

Farber, M. (2019). 在望月市,Y. & Bruillard E. (Eds.教育学的再思考:探索 Potential of Digital Technology in Achieving Quality Education. 联合国教科文组织MGIEP.

Farber, M. (2019). 移民之路. 在施里尔,K. (Ed.) 学习、教育 & games vol. 3: 100个游戏在课堂内外使用. 卡耐基梅隆ETC出版社.


Farber M. (2019). 基于游戏的学习是一种创新教学法. 在彼得斯., & Heraud, R.   (Eds.) 教育创新百科全书. Springer.


Farber, M., & 商人,W. (2023). Unlocking hidden rules of office hours: A game jam on the 第一代大学生的经历. 在雷米·卡里尔,丹妮尔·菲利皮亚克(编辑).), 2022互联学习峰会论文集. 匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州:卡内基梅隆等出版社. 

Farber, M., & 威廉姆斯,米.K. (2020). Interests, Relationships, and Opportunities Within the 2018全球我的世界导师计划. Connected Learning Summit 2019 会议   Proceedings. 卡耐基梅隆ETC出版社.

威廉姆斯,米. K. & Farber, M. (2020). Gaming Pedagogy and Connected Learning: Perspectives from the Global Minecraft 辅导计划. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), 信息技术学会学报 & 教师教育(SITE)国际 会议 (pp. 1894-1899). Association for the Advancement of    Computing in Education (AACE).  

Farber, M. (2020). 电子游戏不是教育技术. 在梅赫拉,A. (Ed.), 蓝点科技2019特刊(第12版.). 联合国教科文组织MGIEP.  

Schrier K., & Farber, M. (2019). 游戏和移情的开放性问题. Connected Learning Summit 2018 会议 Proceedings. 卡耐基梅隆ETC出版社.



马修·法伯,艾德.D. is an associate professor of educational technology at the University of Northern 科罗拉多的联合主任 游戏SEL实验室. He has been invited to the White House, to keynote for UNESCO, and he has been interviewed about games and learning by NPR, The Washington Post, Fox News Radio, APA Monitor on Psychology, EdSurge, The Denver Post, The74, Fast Company, USA Today, and The Wall 街日报》. Dr. Farber has advised Peekapak, Quandary (MIT’s Learning Games Network), 进化游戏,大声击球,和脑洞(小尼克.). 他是一个经常合作的人 with 联合国教科文组织MGIEP, the iThrive Games Foundation, and Games for Change. 他是一名合格的 BrainPOP Educator, a Classcraft Ambassador, and a member of the iCivics Educator Network. 他也是Edutopia的作家. 欲知详情,请浏览: http://www.edutopia.org/profile/matthew-farber