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Lewis Jackson, Ed.D.

Lewis Jackson, Ed.D.

Professor Emeritus

School of Special 教育

Contact Information


Professional/学术 Experience



研究/Areas of Interest

Publications/Creative Works


Banerjee R.桑丁,T.哈钦森,S.杰克逊,L。. B. (皇冠app安卓下载安装). 因素, explain placement decisions for students with multiple disabilities: Findings from the national data. Journal of 研究 in Special 教育al Needs

Ryndak D.杰克逊,L。. B., & 白色,J. M. (2013). Involvement and Progress in the General Curriculum for Students with Extensive Support Needs: K-12 Inclusive 教育 研究 and Implications for the Future. Inclusion, 1, 28-49.

杰克逊,L. B.华盛顿州林达克市.奥兰多,美国. M.哈利,K., & McCaleb K. (接受, 修订). 应用ing the five pillars to literacy instruction with students who have moderate to severe disabilities: Issues and concerns. 研究 and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.


Wehmeyer, M.L.Shogren, K.A.Kurth, J.A., Morningstar, M.E.科兹莱斯基,E.B.Agran, M.杰克逊,L。.詹姆森,J.M.麦克唐纳,J., & Ryndak D.L. (in
出版社). Including students with extensive and pervasive support needs. 在J.P肯 & F. Obiakor (Eds.), Advances in Special 教育 Volume 31: General and special education inclusion in an age of change. London, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

杰克逊,L. B.怀特,J. M., & Ryndak D. L. (2015). Achieving an international perspective. 在米. Agran F. 斯普纳, & K. 哎呀(Eds.) (pp. 60-69), TASH 40th Anniversary Volume. Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Company.

Honors and 奖


Fulbright Sponsored Projects (国际)

2012年10月. Positive Behavioral Support: A Training Program. Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates. Sponsored jointly by the Fulbright 国际 Scholars Program and the Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care. ($6,000 2个月以上)


2016年1月. 杰克逊,L. Facilitating Inclusion and Literacy for Students with Extensive Support Needs in an Elementary School Community. Bresnahan-Halstead Institute ($2,514 3个月以上)

2014年3月. 杰克逊,L. B., & Alzayer R. Communication skills training for families of children with Autism in the natural environment of the home. Bresnahan-Halstead Institute ($1,500 over 1 year)
