





格里利,CO 80639


Ph.D. ——科罗拉多州立大学

M.S. ——科罗拉多州立大学

B.S. ——科罗拉多州立大学


威廉·道格拉斯·伍迪博士.D. joined the faculty at the 北科罗拉多大学 in 2002, when he arrived from his faculty position at the University of Wisconsin ——欧·克莱尔. He teaches and conducts research in psychology and law, history of psychology, 以及心理学的教学.  He became a Fellow in the American Psychological 2014年协会. In addition to other awards, he has received Early Career Achievement 奖 from the Society for the History of Psychology, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, and the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. 在大学里 of Northern Colorado, he has received numerous College and University teaching and scholarship awards, including the College of 教育与行为科学 Teaching award (2005, 2009, 2013), the 北科罗拉多大学 Academic Excellence Award for Teaching Excellence in Undergraduate 教育, and the Sears Helgoth Distinguished Teaching Award, of which he was the first recipient. 除了其他的学术 在大家的认可下,他获得了A.M. and Jo Winchester Distinguished Scholar Award from the 北科罗拉多大学. 教授 Woody also Co-Chaired the University of Northern Colorado Campus Climate Assessment and engages in other service roles at 北科罗拉多大学, in the Rocky Mountain Region as the Archivist/Historian for the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, and nationally through the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division Two). 


教授 Woody teaches a wide range of undergraduate and graduate classes, including Psychology and the Law (PSY365), History of Psychology (PSY590), Psychology of Prejudice (PSY467), Psychology of Religion (PSY495), and Social Psychology (PSY265 和PSY664).  He has developed a unique course in psychology and law, the Seminar in the Psychology of Interrogation and Confession (PSY495). 

In his classes, 教授 Woody models scientific humility and a curious attitude toward psychological science and applications.  在他所有的课上,他都试图 promote critical thinking, active participation, and dialectic, and he emphasizes 多样性、公平和包容.  教授 Woody incorporates both current data and historical perspectives in the examination of ideas.  每节课都是独一无二的, organic experience that is shaped by students’ contributions and questions.  他希望 that students take ideas seriously and recognize the work that ideas do in the world.  He aspires to be an inspirational teacher who motivates students with actions as much 就像文字一样. 


教授 Woody teaches a wide range of undergraduate and graduate classes, including Psychology and the Law (PSY365), History and Systems of Psychology (PSY590), Psychology of Prejudice (PSY467), Psychology of Religion (PSY495), and Social Psychology (PSY265 和PSY664).  He has recently developed a unique course in psychology and law, the Seminar in the Psychology of Interrogation and Confession (PSY495).

教授 Woody’s scholarship reaches across psychology and law, history of psychology, 以及心理学教学. His primary program of research in psychology and law evaluates potential criminal and civil jurors’ perceptions of confession evidence. He combines his psychology and law interests in his historical scholarship, which, among other topics, explores the emergence of the Cold War body of interrogation scholarship that would guide the later actions of psychologists who served as Department of Defence interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, as described in the Hoffman Report (2015). 此外, he engages in scholarship of teaching and learning at UNC and in collaboration with 全国各地的学者.



伍迪,W. D., & 福勒斯特,K. D. (2020年3月). Understanding Police Interrogation: Confessions and Consequences.  New York, NY: New York University Press. 

伍迪,W. D., & 米勒,R. L. (Eds.). (2020). Administration of a student friendly psychology conference: Challenges and opportunities.  Electronic book: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.  从检索 http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/index.php 

伍迪,W. D., & 维尼,W. (2017).  A History of Psychology: The Emergence of Science and Applications (6th ed.).  纽约,纽约:泰勒 & 弗朗西斯.

维尼,W., & 伍迪,W. D. (2017).  Neglected Perspectives on Science and Religion: Historical and Contemporary Relations.  纽约,纽约:泰勒 & 弗朗西斯.

伍迪,W. D.米勒,R。. L., & 沃兹尼亚克,W. (Eds.). (2016).  Enriching the Classroom Experience with History: Psychological Specialties in Context.  Electronic book: Society for the Teaching of Psychology.  摘自学会 for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/


伍迪,W. D. (OnlineFirst). Joost A的职业生涯轨迹. M. Meerloo:突出, Fading, and Premonitions of Menticide.  人文科学史. 

伍迪,W. D.格雷茨,D.拉菲,K., & Rosenblum C. (2022). (联合国)伦理后果: How Psychology’s Cold War Defense of Military Personnel Led to Enhanced Interrogation 反恐战争中的技术. 美国心理学家,77岁(2), 221-233. doi.美国心理学协会.org/doiLanding?doi = 10.1037% 2 famp0000761 

伍迪,W. D.佩恩,J. W.拉菲,K.格雷茨,D., & Rosenblum C. (2020). 调查 Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation: Recognizing the Legacy of the Cold War. 国际 Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation, 1, 1-16. 

伍迪,W. D.斯图尔特,J. M.福雷斯特,K. D.卡马乔,L. J.沃斯特霍夫,S. A.Provenza, K. R.沃克,A. T., & 波纳,年代. J. (2018). 假证据手法的影响及 Expert Testimony on Perceptions and Decisions of Jurors, Juries, and Judges.  《皇冠app官方版下载》第5期, 1-22. 

斯图尔特,J. M.伍迪,W. D., & 岛岛,年代.  (2018).  The Prevalence of False Confessions in 研究 Studies: A Meta-Analysis.  行为科学与法律,36, 12-31.